In many distinctive restaurants we will find that the Pendant Lamp is one of the important facilities to create a unique atmosphere. It not only can set off the color of the food to make your appetite open, but also allows you to enjoy the atmosphere brought by the light when you eat.
Pendant lamp are generally categorized from the number of pendant lamps and can be categorized into single-head pendant lamp and multi-head pendant lamp. Single-head pendant lamp: The lighting is more concentrated, but the range of lighting can be smaller. If the dining table is relatively small, or the dining table is round, use a single head pendant lamp to meet the lighting needs. Long pendant lamp: If the table is long, then only one single head pendant lamp is not enough. Using multiple pendant lamp to provide light at the same time, the lighting range is wider and the light distribution is more even. The color and style of the pendant lamp are best combined with the design style of the restaurant so that it can have the most beautiful visual effect.
We are a professional supplier of table lamps in China. Our products include: Gold Iron Circle Chandelier, Modern Metal Large Chandelier, etc. If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us.